How to calculate the weight of 240 copper wire

How to calculate the weight of 240 copper wire

The weight of copper strand is generally checked in the common data sheet of conductor in actual engineering. Copper bar and copper bar can be calculated by multiplying the cross-sectional area by the length and then by the density of copper. 240 copper wire is rarely used in engineering, which is very uneconomic, so it is not included in the common data sheet of conductor in general

Please design an experiment to explore which of the following objects are conductors and which are insulators? Objects: copper wire, coins, pencil lead, rubber, plastic ruler, glass
Do help me. Before 4:00 p.m. on February 10, 2011

This is very simple. Connect a single pole single throw switch with an ammeter and a battery in series, leaving a gap in the middle. Connect all the items in series in this circuit. Close the switch, and the ammeter will show the number as a conductor, but not as an insulator