On the calculation of watt hour meter revolution and power consumption

On the calculation of watt hour meter revolution and power consumption

A formula worthy of promotion, by carefully observing and recording the number of operation cycles of the watt hour meter panel (for electronic watt hour meter, the number of flashes of diode indicator light) and the number of seconds of the time used, plus a fixed data on the watt hour meter panel, we can basically judge whether the watt hour meter is qualified or the power of the electrical equipment at this time; P (unit kW) = (3600 / T) × (n / N0)

On the type of electric power (2)

After 3600r / kW * h is marked on the electric energy meter, all electrical appliances in the home are turned off and only one electric kettle marked with "220V 1210w" is filled with water for continuous operation. At the same time, it is observed that the turntable of the electric energy meter turns 180 circles in 3 minutes. Assuming that the resistance of the electric kettle remains unchanged, what is the actual electric power of the electric kettle when it works?