The dial of the electronic watt hour meter is marked with "3000imp / kW. H". If an electric appliance is connected to the meter for 20 minutes, the electric energy can be saved

The dial of the electronic watt hour meter is marked with "3000imp / kW. H". If an electric appliance is connected to the meter for 20 minutes, the electric energy can be saved

If the indicator light of the electric energy meter flashes 300 times, the consumed electric energy is 300 / 3000 = 0.1kwh, and the electric power is p = w / T = 0.1kwh / (1 / 3H) = 0.3kw = 300W

"3000imp / kW. H" is marked on the dial of the electronic energy meter. When an electrical appliance is connected to the meter alone and works for 20min, the indicator light of the energy meter flashes 300
When an electric appliance is connected to the meter for 20 minutes, the indicator light of the meter flashes 300 times. The electric energy consumed by the electric appliance in the above time is, and the current is

Every 3000 flashes of an electronic watt hour meter is equivalent to consuming one kilowatt of electric energy. 300 flashes indicate that 0.1kw of electric energy is consumed during this period. The conversion success rate is equal to 0.1x60/20 = 0.3kw. According to the formula: P = UI, P = 0.3kw, u = 220V, so the current I = P / u = 300 / 220 = 1.4A