Is it possible to use a 2.5 (10) a 220 V electric energy meter for a 6000W instant electric water heater? The line is 2.5 flat

Is it possible to use a 2.5 (10) a 220 V electric energy meter for a 6000W instant electric water heater? The line is 2.5 flat

No, the line is thin! With a 4-square line, 6000W, about 27 currents, and a 2.5-flat line, the current carrying capacity is about 23 currents, so if it is small, use a 4-square line. The current carrying capacity of a 4-square line is 36 currents!
If the watt hour meter is 10 (40), it's OK! It's a little small, so it's suggested to replace it with a bigger one!

The experimental steps of measuring electric power with electric energy meter and stopwatch!
Write down the steps of the experiment!

Use the stopwatch to count one minute or the time required for each revolution of the electric energy meter,
Calculate according to the number of revolutions / kWh provided by the electric energy meter

An electric water heater marked with 220v880w has been used in the home circuit for 10min, and the result is satisfactory
1. What is the resistance of the electric water heater?
2. How much electricity does the electric water heater consume in ten minutes?
3. If the voltage in the home circuit is only 200V, what is the actual power of the electric water heater?

(1) Resistance of electric water heater: r = u & # 178 / P = 220 & # 178 / 880 = 55 (Ω)
(2) The electric energy consumed by the electric water heater in 10 minutes is as follows:
(3) The actual power of the electric water heater: P real = u real & # 178 / r = 200 & # 178 / 55 ≈ 727.27 (W)
A: slightly

The electric energy meter is an instrument for measuring the electric energy consumption of electrical appliances. Xiaohua wants to verify whether the revolutions per kilowatt hour marked on the dial of his electric energy meter are accurate. Therefore, he will connect the electrical appliance marked with "220V 3A" into the circuit separately. When the electrical appliance works normally for 5 minutes, the turntable of the electric energy meter just turns 110R, then the actual revolutions per kilowatt hour of the electric energy meter should be ()
A. 2400rB. 2000rC. 1500rD. 1200r

The electric energy consumed by the electric appliance in 5 min is: w = Pt = uit = 220 V × 3a × 5 × 60 s = 1.98 × 105 J = 0.055 kW · h, NW = 110 r0.055 kW · H = 2000 R / kW · h, then the actual revolution per kW · h of the electric energy meter is 2000 R