What is the power of 380V 4kw resistor after inputting 220V power supply? What are the respective currents?

What is the power of 380V 4kw resistor after inputting 220V power supply? What are the respective currents?

This discussion: when 380V voltage is applied to the resistance, the power is 4kw, and the resistance value is 38.1 ohm. When the voltage is 220V, the power is 1270w
Don't you have a formula? Voltage divided by resistance is not current? 9.97a; 5.77a

What are the current and resistance of 45KW electric furnace wire at 380V and 220V?

I add a few more sentences, general resistance wire marked with power and rated voltage, can not only use power to get resistance, resistance value of resistance wire does not change with the change of voltage, if 45KW electric furnace wire generally with 220 V as rated voltage, use the formula P = IV = I ^ 2 * r = V ^ 2 / R to get resistance and 380 V and 220 v current, pay attention to when

When a motor is connected to a circuit with a voltage of 220 V, the current passing through is 4a. If the coil resistance of the motor is 4 Ω, the heat generated per second is --- J, and the electric energy consumed is --- J. the mechanical energy converted by the motor in normal operation for 1 s is --- J

P heat = I * I * r = 4 * 4 * 4 = 64
Ptotal = UI = 220 * 4 = 880
Pmechanical = ptotal-pthermal = 816

With 1500 kW power, 500 meters distance and 380 V voltage, how large a five core cable is needed?

It's impossible to achieve, 1500kW, 380V, 500m distance, the cost is astronomical