Calculating the power of resistance of voltage source and current source  

Calculating the power of resistance of voltage source and current source  

(a) Voltage source power = 2 * 15 = 30W output power. Resistance power = 2 & # 178; * 5 = 20W absorption power. Current source power = (2 * 5-15) * 2 = - 10W absorption power. (b) 2A current source acts alone, voltage source current I1 '= 2A from top to bottom. Voltage source acts alone, voltage source current I1 "up = IR down = 15 /

The circuit is shown in figure 1.5.5 to calculate the power of 10V voltage source

2 Ω resistance does not affect 4A current source to supply power to other loads, so it should be removed to simplify the circuit and clarify the idea; 3 Ω resistance does not affect 6V voltage source to supply power to other loads, so it should be removed to simplify the circuit and clarify the idea, see the attached figure. 4A current source and 8 Ω resistance are equivalent converted into 32v8 Ω voltage source, 32v8 Ω voltage source is combined with 6V voltage source to form 38v8 Ω voltage source, The total EMF of the circuit is 25.556v-10v = 15.556v, and the total resistance is 4.444 Ω. Therefore, the positive current I of the 10V voltage source is 15.556v/4.444 Ω = 3.5A, and the power consumption of the 10V voltage source is 10V × 3.5A = 35W, So the power of 10V voltage source is equal to - 35W

Is the voltage and current shown in the figure the reference direction? How to judge whether it is absorbing power or emitting power?
The current of each individual element in the diagram is 2A. (1) calculate the voltage of each branch. (2) calculate the power supply, resistance and branch power of each diagram, and discuss the balance relationship
One branch, resistance (2 ohm) and voltage source (12 V) are connected in series. (a) the voltage of the branch is positive up and negative down, the current flows up from down, and the voltage source is positive up and negative down
(b) The branch voltage is positive up and negative down, the current flows from up to down, and the voltage source is negative up and positive down
I also want to draw illustrations. I have drawn all the pictures, but I can't insert them. It's a tragedy. I have described all the things in the pictures (A and b),

This kind of thing how reverie ah. No picture no truth ah. 20 points a pity

High power circuit voltage is usually pulled down, load pull down voltage how to calculate? Voltage current power relationship!
The current and voltage: I = u / R, u = IR, r = u / I (R is resistance), electric power: P = UI (current multiplied by voltage)
I use examples to show that:
AC = 220 V P = 1800 w r = 30 ohm
At work,
The voltage on the load is only more than 100 V, less than 200 v
How to calculate the voltage when the load is pulled down?
Voltage current power relationship!

This is because there is a distance from the power transformer to your home. If the line is long and the wire is thin, the resistance is relatively large. Set it as R, assuming that the capacity of the transformer is not small, its voltage U is basically stable, at least in