There are both voltage source and current source in the circuit diagram In a closed loop, there is a resistor, then a current source and a voltage source. Does the series connection or parallel connection of the current source and the voltage source not affect the voltage or current of the resistor? When in series connection: is the current in the resistor the current of the current source? If the current value calculated by the formula I = u / R is not correct? When in parallel connection, is the current in the resistor the current of the current source, The voltage of resistance is the voltage source voltage? Is it wrong to calculate it with the formula? I'm dizzy, specialized in electronic technology

There are both voltage source and current source in the circuit diagram In a closed loop, there is a resistor, then a current source and a voltage source. Does the series connection or parallel connection of the current source and the voltage source not affect the voltage or current of the resistor? When in series connection: is the current in the resistor the current of the current source? If the current value calculated by the formula I = u / R is not correct? When in parallel connection, is the current in the resistor the current of the current source, The voltage of resistance is the voltage source voltage? Is it wrong to calculate it with the formula? I'm dizzy, specialized in electronic technology

When the current source, voltage source and resistance are connected in series, the current in the circuit is equal to the current of the current source. When using the formula I = u / R to calculate, you did not take into account the internal resistance of the current source. The internal resistance is very large, so you can't use this formula to calculate
When current source, voltage source and resistance are connected in parallel, the voltage at both ends of resistance is equal to that of voltage source
Remember: when the current source is connected in series, the current in the circuit is determined by the current source, and the voltage source does not work;
When the current source and voltage source are connected in parallel, the voltage of the parallel part is determined by the voltage source

There is a DC motor, which is connected to the circuit of 0.2V voltage. When the motor does not run, the measured current flowing through the motor is 0.4A. If the motor is connected to the circuit of 2.0V voltage, the working current of the motor is 1.0A. Question: (1) what is the output power of the motor in normal operation? (2) If the rotor is suddenly stuck when the motor is working normally, what is the heating power of the motor?

(1) When the motor does not run, according to Ohm's law, the internal resistance of the motor is r = u1i1 = 0.20.4 Ω = 0.5 Ω. When the motor works normally, the output power is pi = ui-i2r = 2w-0.5w = 1.5W. (2) when the rotor of the motor is suddenly stuck, it is equivalent to pure resistance, and the heating power is p = u2r = 220.5w = 8W; &During the normal operation of the motor, the rotor suddenly gets stuck, and the heating power of the motor is 8W

When a DC motor is connected to a circuit with a voltage of 0.2V, the motor will not rotate, and the measured current is 0.4A. If the motor is connected to a circuit with a voltage of 2V, the motor will work normally, and the working current is 1.0A
How fast can I lift a 1kg object at a constant speed!

1. "When it is connected to the circuit of 0.2V voltage, the motor will not rotate, and the measured current is 0.4A." 0.4A is the short-circuit current. This sentence gives the internal resistance of the motor, r = u / I = 0.2v/0.4a = 0.5 Ω, which is used to calculate the heating power of the motor itself