What does the efficiency of electric energy into heat energy mean in science! Under standard atmospheric pressure, how much heat is absorbed by the water in an electric water heater when it boils 10kg water at 20 ℃? This is 3360000 (3.36 × 106) J Then the next question says, how much work should the current do? When the teacher talked about the test paper, he said that the efficiency of converting electric energy into heat energy of the electric water heater is 70%, which means that the electric water heater converts 70% of the consumed electric energy into heat energy, and then asks us to convert 3360000j / 70% into the work done by the current But the reason why an electric water heater boils water is heat transfer. The result of heat transfer is isothermal. When the water rises to 100 ℃, the electric water heater itself has to have a temperature of 100 ℃. Then the electric water heater itself has to absorb heat in order to transfer the heat to water. When the water rises to 100 ℃, it has to supply all the heat. So, the principle of heat transfer of the electric water heater itself is not the same···· By the way, the chemistry teacher recently asked us to write the chemical formula of CaCO3 + HCl, and then said that it should be CaCl2 + H2CO3 But because carbonic acid is easy to decompose, it is written as CaCl2 + H2O + CO2. But I think CO2 will become carbonic acid when encountering H2O····· CO2 + H2O = H2CO3. It's written in the book. That's what the science book says. There's this equation

What does the efficiency of electric energy into heat energy mean in science! Under standard atmospheric pressure, how much heat is absorbed by the water in an electric water heater when it boils 10kg water at 20 ℃? This is 3360000 (3.36 × 106) J Then the next question says, how much work should the current do? When the teacher talked about the test paper, he said that the efficiency of converting electric energy into heat energy of the electric water heater is 70%, which means that the electric water heater converts 70% of the consumed electric energy into heat energy, and then asks us to convert 3360000j / 70% into the work done by the current But the reason why an electric water heater boils water is heat transfer. The result of heat transfer is isothermal. When the water rises to 100 ℃, the electric water heater itself has to have a temperature of 100 ℃. Then the electric water heater itself has to absorb heat in order to transfer the heat to water. When the water rises to 100 ℃, it has to supply all the heat. So, the principle of heat transfer of the electric water heater itself is not the same···· By the way, the chemistry teacher recently asked us to write the chemical formula of CaCO3 + HCl, and then said that it should be CaCl2 + H2CO3 But because carbonic acid is easy to decompose, it is written as CaCl2 + H2O + CO2. But I think CO2 will become carbonic acid when encountering H2O····· CO2 + H2O = H2CO3. It's written in the book. That's what the science book says. There's this equation

This problem does not consider the heating of the heater itself. The heater has many components and materials with different heat capacities. It is not necessary to include them all. It is just a test of the concepts of energy conversion and efficiency
Who told you that CO2 + H2O = H2CO3? Carbonic acid is a weak acid, and this reaction is very slight. You can't use the equal sign. If you do this, there will be no CO2 on the earth, and it will become carbonic acid, and there will be no need to save energy and reduce emissions

The resistance ratio of the two electric heaters is 3:4, the ratio of the current passing through is 4:3, and the ratio of the heat generated in the same time is 3:4

Because q = I, RT
So Q1 = 3x times (4Y) squared times t
Q2 = 4x times (3Y) square times t
So Q1 = 48xyyt, Q2 = 36xyyt
So Q1: Q2 = 4:3