When a certain electric heater passes 5A current, it will produce 6.6 times ten quartic joules of heat per minute. Calculate the electric power, resistance and working voltage of resistance wire Come on. It's for tonight,

When a certain electric heater passes 5A current, it will produce 6.6 times ten quartic joules of heat per minute. Calculate the electric power, resistance and working voltage of resistance wire Come on. It's for tonight,

So r = 44 Ω

Xiao Ming carefully observed the TV, fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp, and found that they were all marked with the word "220 V & nbsp; 40 W". If they all worked at the rated voltage for the same time, the most heat generated was ()
A. Television B. electric fan C. incandescent lamp D. energy saving lamp

TV, electric fan, incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamp are all marked with the word "220 V & nbsp; 40 W". If they all work under the rated voltage for the same time, according to w = Pt, the four kinds of electric appliances consume the same electric energy, but the TV mainly converts the electric energy into sound energy and light energy

An electric appliance is marked with 100V, 500W. When its voltage is 80V, the actual electric power is 320W

P rated = I rated * u rated = u rated * u rated / R -- calculate resistance; P actual = u actual * u actual / R
(rated power = rated voltage * rated current = square of rated voltage / resistance - calculate resistance;
Actual power = square of actual voltage / resistance.)

1) An electrical appliance is marked with 100V, 500W. When its voltage is 80V, what is the actual electric power? When its voltage is 120V, what is the actual electric power? 2) the voltage of an electrical appliance is 200V, r = 40 Ω, how long can it use 10 degrees of electricity?

When its voltage is 80V, the actual electric power is 320W. When its voltage is 120V, the actual electric power is 720W. P = u * U / R, r = u * U / P = 100 * 100 / 500 = 20 Ω; P actual 1 = 80 * 80 / 20 = 320W; P actual 2 = 120 * 120 / 20 = 720W. 2) the voltage of a consumer is 200V, r = 40 Ω, 10 degree electricity can be used for it for 10 hours. P = u * U / r = 200 * 200 / 40 = 1000W, a = P (kw) * t (hour), T = A / P = 10 / 1 = 10 hours