Connect 15 watt and 100 watt bulbs to the circuit respectively, and compare the speed of the meter dial rotation. What is the speed of the meter dial rotation?

Connect 15 watt and 100 watt bulbs to the circuit respectively, and compare the speed of the meter dial rotation. What is the speed of the meter dial rotation?

The speed of electric energy meter dial rotation refers to the speed of current work, that is, the electric power of electrical appliances. It is a 100 watt bulb connected to the circuit, and the electric energy meter dial rotates fast

In physics, what is the effective value and maximum value? For example, when the voltage is 220 V, its effective value and maximum value are respectively?

Effective value and maximum value: the maximum instantaneous value of alternating current in the process of change is called the maximum value of alternating current. When alternating current passes through a resistive load, if the heat generated by alternating current is equal to that generated by direct current passing through the same load at the same time, the size of direct current is equivalent to the effective value of alternating current

When getting an electric shock, what is the decisive factor of the current passing through the human body?

According to Ohm's law I = ur, there are two factors that affect the current: the voltage at both ends of the conductor and the resistance of the conductor. Therefore, the current through the human body is related to the voltage at both ends of the human body and the resistance of the human body

When getting an electric shock, what is the decisive factor of the current passing through the human body?

According to Ohm's law I = ur, there are two factors that affect the current: the voltage at both ends of the conductor and the resistance of the conductor. Therefore, the current through the human body is related to the voltage at both ends of the human body and the resistance of the human body