When the voltage at both ends of a resistor increases to twice the original value, the power consumed by the resistor will become the original value in the same time______ Times

When the voltage at both ends of a resistor increases to twice the original value, the power consumed by the resistor will become the original value in the same time______ Times

According to w = u2rt, when the voltage is doubled, W1 = (2U) 2rt = 4u2rt = 4W

When the voltage at both ends of a resistor increases by two times, the power consumed by it will become several times of the original in the same time

According to the formula: P = u ^ 2 / R, the electric power is proportional to the square of the voltage when the resistance is constant
Therefore, the answer to this question is four times

How does the resistance of glass change with temperature

Generally, the resistance of material increases with the increase of temperature, but glass is just the opposite!