Does resistance change with temperature or does resistance change with temperature

Does resistance change with temperature or does resistance change with temperature

The resistance of conductor is related to temperature. The resistance of pure metal increases with the increase of temperature. The resistance of carbon and insulator decreases with the increase of temperature. The resistance of semiconductor has a great relationship with temperature. The resistance of some alloys has little relationship with the change of temperature

Why does temperature change the resistance?
Answer with the knowledge of grade two
We only learned Ohm's law

Metal conductors are made up of atoms, which are made up of nuclei and electrons moving around the nuclei (a bit like planets moving around the sun in the solar system). The electrons around the nuclei are divided into several layers, that is, some electrons move closer to the nuclei, and some electrons move farther away from the nuclei, It is formed by the movement of the electrons farthest away from the nucleus (the outermost electrons), because they are less attracted by the nucleus. Under the action of voltage, they can get rid of the bondage of the nucleus, form free electrons that can move freely, and make directional movement to form electric current. At any time, the nucleus is vibrating. When the temperature rises, the vibration of the nucleus in the metal conductor accelerates and the vibration amplitude becomes larger, In the directional movement of free electrons, the probability of collision or repulsion with the nucleus increases. Because some free electrons collide with the nucleus and repulse, the directional movement is blocked, so the number of electrons in the conductor decreases and the current decreases

An experiment is designed to prove that when the current through the resistance remains constant, the voltage at both ends of the resistance is proportional to the resistance
Experimental instruments: a power supply, a voltmeter, a switch, a resistance box, a fixed value resistor and wires with known resistance values

Constant value resistance string resistance box string power supply, keep the total resistance of resistance box and constant value resistance unchanged, that is, the current is constant, the current of series circuit is equal everywhere, can keep the current unchanged, voltmeter measured value resistance voltage at both ends, two groups of data voltage ratio voltage, corresponding resistance ratio resistance

Design an experiment to prove that resistance is related to temperature

In most cases, the higher the temperature is, the higher the conductivity is, the greater the resistance is. However, in some cases, the higher the temperature is, the smaller the resistance is

Please design an experiment to prove that "the total resistance of parallel circuit is less than any partial resistance"

Use two resistors, a bulb and a power supply. The first is to use one of the resistors, the second is to use the second resistor, and the third is to use two resistors in parallel to observe the brightness of the light bulb