A set of electric water heater is connected to the circuit of 220 V voltage and works normally. The resistance of the electric water heater is 55 ohm (1) How to transform the energy when the electric water heater works? (2) what is the power of the electric water heater?

A set of electric water heater is connected to the circuit of 220 V voltage and works normally. The resistance of the electric water heater is 55 ohm (1) How to transform the energy when the electric water heater works? (2) what is the power of the electric water heater?

1. When working, electric energy is transformed into heat energy. 2. Power P = UI = u & # 178 / / r = 220 & # 178 / / 55 = 880W, you can calculate it by yourself

Connect a 220v1500w electric water heater to a 220V lighting circuit, and calculate the resistance of the water heater?
How much heat does the water heater produce in one minute? How many kilowatt hours does it take to work an hour?

R = u ^ 2 / P = 48400 / 1500 = 32.7 Ω
Q = I ^ 2rt = Pt = 1500W * 60s = 90000 joules

Microwave oven power frequency is 50 Hz, rated voltage is 220 V, maximum heating power is 1100 W, heating efficiency is more than 92%
The power frequency of microwave oven is 50 Hz, the rated voltage is 220 V, the maximum heating power is 1100 W, and the heating efficiency is more than 92%. When using the maximum power heating, what is the current through the microwave oven? (process)

Current I = power W / voltage U = (1100 / 92%) / 220 = 5.43 a

If the electric cooker is 220V 700W and the microwave oven is 220V 1050W, how much energy will be consumed if the two appliances work for 12 minutes at the same time?
