How much is the rated current of two 220 V 100 W bulbs connected in series in 220 V circuit?

How much is the rated current of two 220 V 100 W bulbs connected in series in 220 V circuit?

The rated current does not change with the external voltage. From the rated power of 100W and the rated voltage of 220V, the rated current is 100 / 220 = 4.6a

I know that 100W household 220 V light bulb is 484 ohm, but the measured value is only 48 ohm

When the temperature decreases, the resistance becomes smaller. When you use a 100W bulb, the filament is electrified and glows. The temperature is very high, so it's 484 Ω. But when you measure it, I guess it's in the non luminous state. The temperature is very low, and the resistance will be smaller. So there is a feature that the filament of an incandescent lamp is most likely to burn out when it is just electrified

"220V 36W", "110V 100W" and "36V 100W" are connected in series and then connected in the home lighting circuit. Which one is the brightest? Why?

The one with the largest resistance is the brightest
The resistance of "220V 36W" is r = u / P = 48400 / 36 = 1344.4 Ω
110V / 100W = 121 Ω
“36V 100W” 36*36/100=1296Ω
So 220 V 36W is the brightest

At the peak of power consumption, the voltage of a student's home is 10% lower than that of 220 v. at this time, the actual power of the working "220 V 100 W" incandescent lamp is 81 W
The "220 V 100 W" white woven lamp can work normally for 5 hours every day to save electric energy
