Connect the 220 V, 100 W small bulb to both ends of the 200 V power supply, can the small bulb work normally? What is the actual power of the bulb at this time?

Connect the 220 V, 100 W small bulb to both ends of the 200 V power supply, can the small bulb work normally? What is the actual power of the bulb at this time?

220 V, 100 W bulb resistance value:
Actual power of bulb at this time:
It can emit light, but it doesn't work normally

Two 100w.200v bulbs are connected in series with the 220V power supply. What is the actual power of each bulb?


Given the resistance of a light bulb, we can find: 1. The amount of electricity it passes under the voltage of 220 v. 2. What is its electric power at this time?

The current is 0.458a and the power is 100.76w

The resistance value of filament thermal resistance of incandescent lamp with rated value of "220 V 40 W" is? If it is connected to 110 V power supply, the actual power consumption is?

The power of incandescent lamp is indicated by the thermal state, so the thermal state resistance can be calculated by the nominal voltage and power. Fixed formula: r = u ^ 2 / P = 220 * 220 / 40 = 1210 Ω. After connecting to 110V, P = u ^ 2 / r = 110 * 110 / 1210 = 10W