Is the power consumption of a 2W resistor 2W? If so, is the power consumption of 100 resistors connected in series 200W?

Is the power consumption of a 2W resistor 2W? If so, is the power consumption of 100 resistors connected in series 200W?

This is not necessarily the case
There is a problem of rated power and actual power
For example, a resistor with a resistance value of 2 Ω and a power of 2W can be calculated. When the power is 2W, the voltage at both ends is 2V
In other words, only under the voltage of 2V, its power is 2V. If the voltage is other values, its power is variable. At this time, we can say that 2V is the rated voltage of the resistor, and under the rated voltage, its power is the rated power of 2W
Therefore, 100 strings together, the power may not only be less than 200W, maybe even lower than 2W
I hope it can help you

Is the resistance big power consumption or the resistance small power consumption?
Please answer specifically!

First of all, find out what "power consumption" is. Power consumption is generally called electricity consumption. Theoretically speaking, it means high electric power. Electric power is equal to voltage multiplied by current. If it is pure resistance, it can also be equal to the square of voltage divided by resistance, or the square of current multiplied by resistance

Human life needs energy. The following energy is mainly produced by chemical changes
A. Light from electric light B. heat from electric iron C. electricity from hydroelectric power D. heat from lpg combustion

Chemical changes not only produce new substances, but also accompany the change of energy, which is often manifested as the release or absorption of heat energy, light energy and electric energy