Which is on between 110V, 40W incandescent lamp and 220V, 40W incandescent lamp?

Which is on between 110V, 40W incandescent lamp and 220V, 40W incandescent lamp?

Although they are all 40W, the current of 110V is 0.36A, while that of 220V is 0.1818a; the current of 100V is obviously greater than that of 220V
Incandescent lamp is hot and luminous, the current is more likely to heat
Therefore, the same as 40W, 110V is brighter than 220V

The lamp marked with "220 V 60W" and the lamp marked with "220 V 40W" are connected in series to the 220 V circuit. Which lamp is brighter

The resistance of the bulb marked with "220 V 60 W": R1 = U1 & # 178 / P1 = 220 & # 178 / 60 = 2420 / 3 (Ω) the resistance of the bulb marked with "220 V 40 W": R2 = U2 & # 178 / P2 = 220 & # 178 / 40 = 1210 Ω = 3630 / 3 Ω according to the equal current of the series circuit and P = I & # 178; R, after series connection, the bulb with high resistance

Two lamps of "220 V 40 W" and "220 V 60 W" are connected in series in 220 V circuit. Which lamp is more bright? Please explain by calculation

Parallel: 60W light bulb on
Series connection: 40W light bulb on
(1) Series connection: the first thing we need to know is that the resistance is generally regarded as constant in this kind of problem. Therefore, we can calculate the resistance of the bulb according to the rated voltage and rated power
R = u ^ 2 / P = (220V) ^ 2 / 40W = 1210 Ω ---- resistance of 40W bulb
R = u ^ 2 / P = (220V) ^ 2 / 60W = 2420 / 3 Ω ---- resistance of 60W bulb
According to the resistance voltage of the series circuit, the consumer with high resistance in the series circuit gets a higher voltage. Therefore, if the consumer's voltage is higher, the resistance is higher, and the current is the same, the actual power of the consumer must be higher, and the brightness is brighter. So it is 40W bright
(2) Parallel connection: there is no need to explain this. According to the resistance calculated in (1) and the voltage in the parallel circuit, the smaller the resistance is, the greater the actual power of the consumer is. Therefore, it is 60W bright

Two light bulbs marked with "220 V 100 W" and "220 V 40 W" are connected in parallel
How much power do they consume on 110V power supply? Which bulb consumes more power? (the influence of temperature on resistance is not considered in calculation)

No matter what power the bulb is connected to, its resistance will not change. Bulb 1 is "220V 100W" resistance is 220 & sup2 / 100 = 484, bulb 2 is "220V 40W" resistance is 220 & sup2 / 40 = 1210, when connected to 110V, calculate the power of bulb 1 P1 = 110 & sup2 / 484 = 25W, and bulb 2 P2 = 110 & su