Copper coin used to be a widely circulated currency in history. It is known that the melting point of copper is 1083.4 ℃ and the melting point of iron is 1534.8 ℃. From the perspective of physical and chemical properties, why is copper used instead of iron to cast currency? .

Copper coin used to be a widely circulated currency in history. It is known that the melting point of copper is 1083.4 ℃ and the melting point of iron is 1534.8 ℃. From the perspective of physical and chemical properties, why is copper used instead of iron to cast currency? .

A: the melting point of copper is 1083.4 ℃ and that of iron is 1534.8 ℃. It means that the melting point of copper is lower than that of iron, so it is easy to cast. There are many times of currency circulation, so iron is easier to rust than copper to prevent rust. So the answer is: because the melting point of copper is lower than that of iron, it is easier to cast, and iron is easier to rust than copper

Why are coins made of copper instead of iron

In fact, the value of gold and silver has been declining in history, because the change of production has caused the change of its market value!

Physical and chemical properties of gold

Physical property color: the beauty of golden yellow can be compared with that of the sun. When gold is melted, the steam is green. In the smelting process, its gold powder is usually brown. If it is cast into a thin piece, it can transmit green light. Ductility: extremely strong. 1 ounce of gold can be pulled to 50 miles long, and its ductility