The resistance of an electrical appliance is 484 ohm, and the rated voltage is 220 v. how much work has been done by the current when the electrical appliance is connected to the circuit and works normally for 5 hours? How many kilowatt hours of electric energy is consumed?

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 484 ohm, and the rated voltage is 220 v. how much work has been done by the current when the electrical appliance is connected to the circuit and works normally for 5 hours? How many kilowatt hours of electric energy is consumed?

Power P = u ^ 2 / r = 100W
Therefore, the current work for 5 hours is w = Pt = 100W * 5 * 3600s = 1800000j
The power consumption is 0.5KW * H

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 100 ohm, and the rated voltage is 20 v. how to connect to a 36 V circuit in order to use the electrical appliance to work normally
What is the resistance

This problem can be solved by series partial pressure
Since the resistance of the consumer is 100 ohm, the rated voltage is 20 v
The rated current is 0.2A
Because it is a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere
Since the total voltage is 36 V, the total resistance = 36V / 0.2A = 180 Ω
Therefore, an 80 Ω consumer should be connected in series

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 10 ohm, and the voltage at both ends is 6 v. how to connect it to an 18 V circuit
Answer now

X = 20 Ω
A: a 20 ohm resistor needs to be connected in series

A 4 Ω resistor is connected in series with a consumer at both ends of the 6V power supply. It is known that the actual power of the consumer is 2W, and the current intensity through the consumer may be
A. 2A b.1a c.0.5a d.0.25a (calculation process)

According to the fact that the current of the series circuit is equal and the sum of the partial voltages of two components is equal to 6V, the following equation can be listed: 4 Ⅰ + 2 △ I = 6: 4 Ⅰ ↑ 2-6 Ⅰ + 2 = 0 (↑ 2: ↑ 2 is the square) by solving the quadratic equation of one variable, two I 1 = 1a, I 2 = 0.5A can be obtained