Knowledge network diagram of voltage and resistance I need it urgently Friends, hurry up, OK 5:30 am at the latest

Knowledge network diagram of voltage and resistance I need it urgently Friends, hurry up, OK 5:30 am at the latest

1、 Constant current
1. Current intensity: I = q / T {I: current intensity (a), Q: electric quantity (c), t: time (s)}
2. Ohm's Law: I = u / R {I: current intensity of conductor (a), u: voltage at both ends of conductor (V), R: resistance of conductor (Ω)}
3. Resistance and resistance law: r = ρ L / s {ρ: resistivity (Ω & # 8226; m), l: conductor length (m), s: conductor cross-sectional area (M2)}
4. Ohm's law of closed circuit: I = E / (R + R) or E = IR + IR can also be e = u inside + U outside
{I: total current in the circuit (a), e: power supply electromotive force (V), R: external circuit resistance (Ω), R: power supply internal resistance (Ω)}
5. Electric work and electric power: w = uit, P = UI {W: electric work (J), u: voltage (V), I: current (a), t: time (s), P: electric power (W)}
6. Joule's Law: q = i2rt {Q: Electrothermal (J), I: current through conductor (a), R: resistance value of conductor (Ω), t: power on time (s)}
7. In pure resistance circuit: because I = u / R, w = q, w = q = uit = i2rt = u2t / R
8. Total power rate, power output power and power efficiency: P total = ie, P output = IU, η = P output / P total {I: total circuit current (a), e: power electromotive force (V), u: terminal voltage (V), η: power efficiency}
9. Series / parallel series circuit (P, u and R are proportional) and parallel circuit (P, I and R are inverse)
Resistance relation (series, parallel and reverse) R series = R1 + R2 + R3 + 1 / R parallel = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2 + 1 / R3+
Current relation I total = I1 = I2 = I3 I and = I1 + I2 + i3+
Voltage relation u total = U1 + U2 + U3 + U total = U1 = U2 = u3
Power distribution P total = P1 + P2 + P3 + P total = P1 + P2 + P3+
10. Measure resistance with ohmmeter
(1) Circuit composition (2) measurement principle
After the two probes are short circuited, adjust RO to make the pointer of the meter fully deviate
After connecting the measured resistance Rx, the current through the meter is
IX = E / (R + RG + ro + Rx) = E / (r middle + Rx)
Because IX corresponds to Rx, it can indicate the measured resistance
(3) Usage: mechanical zero adjustment, range selection, Ohm zero adjustment, reading measurement {pay attention to gear (magnification)}, off gear
(4) Note: when measuring the resistance, disconnect from the original circuit, select the range to make the pointer near the center, and re short the ohm to zero for each shift
11. Measuring resistance by voltammetry
Ammeter internal connection method:
Voltage representation: u = ur + UA
Ammeter external connection method:
Current representation: I = IR + IV
The measured value of Rx = u / I = (UA + ur) / IR = RA + RX > r true
The measured value of Rx = u / I = ur / (IR + IV) = rvrx / (RV + R) > RA [or RX > (rarv) 1 / 2]
Select circuit condition RX

The open circuit voltage of the two terminal network is 10V, and the short circuit current is 5A. When the external 8 Ω resistor is connected, the terminal voltage is? 5V?
The open circuit voltage of the two terminal network is 10V, and the short circuit current is 5A. When the external 8 Ω resistor is connected, the terminal voltage is? 5V?

The internal resistance is 2 ohm
The external resistance is 8 ohm
The current is 1 A
The terminal voltage is 8 v

If the internal resistance of a two terminal network with source cannot be ignored and the external short circuit is not allowed, how to measure the resistance

According to Thevenin's theorem, the electromotive force of the equivalent voltage source of the two terminal network containing source is the open circuit voltage uo, which forms a series Thevenin's equivalent circuit with the internal resistance Rs and the standard resistance R. according to the partial voltage formula u = R * uo / (RS + R), the, We can calculate rs

Under what circumstances can an ohmmeter be used to measure the equivalent resistance of an active two terminal network?

When the active network is powered off and the capacitor is fully discharged,
Then the equivalent resistance can be measured