The electromotive force of the power supply is 1.5V, the internal resistance is 0.2 Ω, and the resistance of the external circuit is 1.3 Ω be deeply grateful

The electromotive force of the power supply is 1.5V, the internal resistance is 0.2 Ω, and the resistance of the external circuit is 1.3 Ω be deeply grateful

Step 1: the total resistance is 0.2 + 1.3 = 1.5 ohm
Step 2: calculate the total current 1.5 / 1.5 = 1a. Since it is a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere
Step 3: the voltage at both ends of external resistance is the product of external resistance and current, u = IR is 1.3 * 1 = 1.3V

The electric force of the power supply is 9V, the internal resistance is 0.5ohm, and the resistance of the external circuit is 4.0ohm. What is the current and the terminal voltage

Total current I = E / (R + R0), R0 = internal resistance 0.5 Ω, r = external resistance 4.0 Ω
I = 9 / (0.5 + 4) = 2A
The resistance of external circuit R = 4 Ω, so the voltage is u = I * r = 2 * 4 = 8V

The electromotive force of the power supply is 4.5V. The resistance value of a resistor in the external circuit is 4.0V, and the terminal voltage is 4.0V. How big is the internal resistance of the power supply?
1. What is the internal resistance of the power supply?
2. What is the output power of the power supply at this time?
3. If a resistor R is connected in parallel with the external circuit, the output power of the power supply will be maximum when R is larger

According to the formula u = I (R + R), the internal resistance is 4 / 8 = 0.5 ohm when the voltage of internal resistance is 0.5V and the ratio of internal resistance to external resistance is 4:0.5
The output power is p = I * I * r = 1 * 4 = 4W
The maximum output power of power supply is required. According to P = u * I, the resistance value of internal resistance and parallel resistance should be equal. According to the calculation formula of parallel resistance, r = 4 / 15 ohm

When a resistor is pressed on the power supply with internal resistance of 0.1 ohm and electromotive force of 1.5V, the current flowing through the resistor is 1a, then how much V is the voltage on the resistor equal to?

U = E-IR = 1.5-0.1 * 1 = 1.4 (Euro)