What is the difference between voltage source and current source? Voltage source and current source are the same power supply. I don't know the difference between them. Please answer in detail. Thank you!

What is the difference between voltage source and current source? Voltage source and current source are the same power supply. I don't know the difference between them. Please answer in detail. Thank you!

When the load of the external circuit changes greatly, the output current also changes greatly, but the output voltage changes very little
When the load of the external circuit changes greatly, the output voltage can change greatly, but the output current changes very little

What happens when an ideal voltage source is connected in parallel with an ideal current source in series?

The ideal voltage source with equal voltage can be paralleled. If the voltage source with unequal voltage is paralleled, it will cause infinite current circulation in theory and burn down the power supply;
Similarly, the current source with equal current can be connected in series; if the current source with unequal current is connected in series, the current source with small current will output infinite power in order to maintain its own current

Can ideal current source and ideal voltage source be transformed equivalently? Why?

Load, according to Kirchhoff voltage law, UI = I * r, ideal current source, constant current, so the voltage is determined by load
The voltage of an ideal voltage source is determined by itself, and its voltage is constant