The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps and compare which lamp is brighter? The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps and compare which lamp is brighter?

The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps and compare which lamp is brighter? The bulb L1 of "pz220-40" and the bulb L2 of "pz220-100" are connected in series in a 220 V circuit to calculate the actual power of the two lamps and compare which lamp is brighter?

According to the power formula r = u ^ 2 / P, the resistance of light bulb L1 of pz220-40 is greater than that of "pz220-100",
According to the fact that the power in the series resistance is proportional to the resistance, the power of the "pz220-40" bulb L1 is higher than that of the "pz220-100" bulb

There is a 220 V power supply to supply a 220 V, 60 W electric lamp in a distant construction site. Because the wire has resistance, the actual power consumed by the bulb is 55 W, then the power consumed by the wire is?

When the resistance of the filament is constant, there is a difference
Filament resistance R = 220 * 220 / 60 = 807 ohm
55W = I square R
26a, u filament = IR = 210v
The power consumed by the conductor is 0.26 × 10 = 2.6W

Two incandescent lamps, one is 220 V 100 W, the other is 220 V 15 W. connect the two bulbs in series to 220 V power supply, which bulb is brighter?

15 watts, 220 volts, 100 watts, 220 volts, 15 watts. The power here refers to the normal operation, that is, under 220 volts, the resistance of 100 watts is smaller than that of 15 watts, and the ratio of resistance is 3:20. But after the series connection, the partial voltage is 220 volts, the resistance of 15 watts is larger, and the partial voltage is more, and the voltage is 20 / 3 times of that of 100 watts, so the power is bigger, 20 / 3 times brighter than that of 100 watts

The line voltage is 220 V, the resistance of each transmission wire is 1 ohm, and 100 "220 V, 40 W" electric lamps are connected in parallel in the circuit
(1) The voltage and power of each lamp when only 10 of them are turned on;
(2) The voltage and power of each lamp when all 100 lamps are on

When only 10 lamps are turned on, the voltage and power of each lamp? 1. Resistance of each lamp: R0 = u ^ 2 / P = 220 * 220 / 40 = 1210 Ω 2. When only 10 lamps are turned on, the total resistance of parallel connection: R10: R10 = 1210 / 10 = 121 Ω 3. Total resistance of line: R1 = R10 + r = 121 + 1 = 122 Ω 4. Total current: I10 = u / R1 = 220 / 122