Circuit diagram for measuring electric power of small bulb The circuit diagrams that need single a method, double a method, double V method and single V method cannot be disassembled Thank you very much

Circuit diagram for measuring electric power of small bulb The circuit diagrams that need single a method, double a method, double V method and single V method cannot be disassembled Thank you very much

If you want the circuit diagram of the combination of single voltage method and double voltage method, please see 5
The calculation method is based on the description of the above four figures!

As shown in the figure is the circuit diagram for measuring the electric power of the small bulb marked with "2.5V". In the experiment, a student was able to connect, measure and read correctly, but in his confusion, he only wrote down the electric meter readings when the rheostat slide P was located at B, B and C, which were 0.28, 2.5, 2.0, 3.0, 0.20 and 0.24 on the draft paper, respectively. Please help him sort out the data and fill in the table as required Grid: P position U / V I / a P / w a B C

Among the data of 0.28, 2.5, 2.0, 3.0, 0.20 and 0.24, the data of 2.5, 2.0 and 3.0 are relatively large, which should be the voltage value, while the data of 0.28, 0.20 and 0.24 are relatively small, which should be the current value. Then fill the data in the table according to the order of voltage increase and current increase. So when the voltage is 3.0V, the current is 0.28a, then PA = uaia = 3.0V × 0.28a ≈ 0.84w, and the voltage is 2.5V When the current is 0.24a, Pb = ubib = 2.5V × 0.24a = 0.60w; when the voltage is 2.0V, the current is 0.20a, so PC = ucic = 2.0V × 0.2A = 0.40w, so the answer is: & nbsp; U / V I / a P / w a