The lamp L marked with 6v3w, connected to the 9V power supply, needs to be connected in series with a resistor of how many resistance values to light normally? At this time, the lamp L1 resistance R2 and the power of the circuit (i.e. P1P2P3)

The lamp L marked with 6v3w, connected to the 9V power supply, needs to be connected in series with a resistor of how many resistance values to light normally? At this time, the lamp L1 resistance R2 and the power of the circuit (i.e. P1P2P3)

Lamp current: Il = PL / UL = 0.5A
Resistance to be connected in series R = (u-ul) / IL = 6 Ω
Lamp resistance RL = UL / IL = 12 Ω
Circuit power P = UIL = 4.5w

There is a small bulb marked with "12V & nbsp; & nbsp; 6W". If you want to connect it to a 15V power supply and make the small bulb light normally, you should connect one in series______ Ω resistance, the electrical power consumed by the resistance is______ W.

(1) The rated voltage of the bulb is 12V, which is less than the power supply voltage of 15V. In order to make the bulb shine normally, a resistor should be connected in series; (2) when the bulb shines normally, the current I = plul = 6w12v = 0.5A, the voltage ur = u-ul = 15v-12v = 3V, the resistance R = URI = 3v0.5a = 6 Ω, and the electric power consumed by the resistor P = URI = 3V × 0.5A = 1.5W

In order to connect an indicator lamp with rated voltage of 24 V and resistance of 240 Ω to 36 V power supply, what resistance should be connected in series
I don't have too many points. I hope the answer will be more detailed,

In series circuit, the current is equal. According to 24 V / 240 Ω = 36 V / Ω, we can calculate? = 360 Ω, so we have to series a resistor of 360 Ω - 240 Ω = 120 Ω