What is the physical meaning of the sign of wave function ψ (R, t)

What is the physical meaning of the sign of wave function ψ (R, t)

The sign of wave function ψ (R, t) indicates the direction of the point deviated from the equilibrium position~
The plus sign is the same as the specified direction
The minus sign is opposite to the specified direction
That's all~

What is the meaning of the letter R in physics?

Deformation of remark formula of physical quantity (unit) formula
Velocity V (M / s), v = s / T (s:: away t:: time)
Gravity g (n) Mo = Mg (M is the mass, G: 9.8n/kg or 10N / kg)
Density ρ (kg / m3) = m: mass / V: Volume (M: mass V: Volume) heat released by fuel combustion Q (J) q = MQ (M: mass, Q: calorific value)
The current of series circuit I (a) I = I1 = I2 =. (current everywhere is equal)
Voltage U (V) u = U1 + U2 +... (effect of star pressure from series circuit)
Resistance R (Ω) r = R1 + R2 +
The current of parallel circuit I (a) I = I1 + I2 +. (the main current is equal to the sum of branch currents (shunt)
Voltage U (V) u = U1 = U2 =
Resistance R (Ω) 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2+
Ohm's law I = u / R
Current is defined as I = q - / T (Q: what amount of charge (Coulomb) and T: time (s) / > Power W (J) w = uit = Pt (U: voltage I: current T: time p: power)
Electric power P = UI = I 2 r = u / R (U: voltage I: current R: resistance

The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument_____ If you add another one_____ You can measure the power consumption of electrical appliances

The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument_ (electric energy)_ If you add another one__ (stopwatch)___ You can measure the power consumption of electrical appliances

Xiao Ming uses an energy meter to measure the power of a household appliance. When only one appliance in the circuit works continuously
The electric energy consumption is 0.04kw * h in one hour, so the electric appliance is a. refrigerator
b. Ordinary incandescent lamp C. color TV D. wall mounted air conditioner

Within one hour, the power consumption is 0.04kw * h, so we can see that the electric appliance is 40W, the household refrigerator is about 100W, the air conditioner is 300W, the color TV is about 70W, so the answer is B. ordinary incandescent lamp