The panel of a household electric energy meter is marked with the word 3000r / kW · h. When an electric appliance is connected to it and works normally, if the turntable of the electric energy meter rotates for 15 Revolutions within 1 minute, the actual power consumed by the electric appliance is () A. 150WB. 500WC. 300WD. 3000W

The panel of a household electric energy meter is marked with the word 3000r / kW · h. When an electric appliance is connected to it and works normally, if the turntable of the electric energy meter rotates for 15 Revolutions within 1 minute, the actual power consumed by the electric appliance is () A. 150WB. 500WC. 300WD. 3000W

There is 3000r / kW · h on the dial of the electric energy meter, so the electric energy consumed by the rotary table for 15 turns is w = 13000 × 15kw · H = 0.005kw · h, and the actual power consumed by the electric appliance is p = wt = 0.005kw · h160h = 0.3kw = 300W

An electric energy meter is marked with "3000r / kWh". If the meter turns 1500r, the consumer connected with the meter will cancel
How much electricity is consumed?

3000r / kWh means 3000 pulses or turns is 1kwh of electricity
1500r / kWh is 0.50kwh, which is half kilowatt hour

The voltage is 220 V, the meter is 360 revolutions per kilowatt, I connect a 100 watt light bulb, how many seconds does it take for the meter to turn 1 circle?

100 seconds

There is 720r / kWh on the energy meter of a household appliance. There is only one TV set in the room, and the turntable turns 216r in three hours
There is 720revs / kW. H on the electric energy meter of a family. Only one TV is turned on in the room. How many kilowatt hours does the TV consume? How many joules does the current pass through the TV in one second?

W = 216revs / (720revs / kW. H) = 0.3kwh = 0.3 degree
The work done by current through this TV in one second: 1.08 × 10 & # 710; 6J / (3 * 3600) = 100J