How to distinguish the live line, zero line, ground line, electrical wiring If there are live wires, zero wires, ground wires and electrical appliances at the wall switch socket, how to measure them? The live wires can be measured with electric pen, but the key is others, especially the incoming wires of electrical appliances It's said that we can use a multimeter to measure the resistance. What should we do,

How to distinguish the live line, zero line, ground line, electrical wiring If there are live wires, zero wires, ground wires and electrical appliances at the wall switch socket, how to measure them? The live wires can be measured with electric pen, but the key is others, especially the incoming wires of electrical appliances It's said that we can use a multimeter to measure the resistance. What should we do,

There are provisions in the standard. The yellow and green two-color wire must be the protective ground wire. The live wire is measured by the electric pen, and the zero wire is measured by the AC voltage of the multimeter. The voltage between it and the live wire is 220 v. the wire of the electrical appliance is measured by the resistance of the multimeter (the power must be cut off). It is right to ensure that the electrical appliance is connected. If it is infinite, there will be a problem

How to connect the live wire, zero wire and ground wire of electrical appliances with metal shell

The live wire is connected to the positive pole of the electric appliance, the zero wire is connected to the negative pole of the electric appliance, the ground wire is connected to the metal shell and the ground wire to the ground

How should live wire and zero wire be connected with the circuit of electrical appliances?
Such as the title

The L, N and E on the plug indicate fire, zero and ground respectively. The color of the line may be different. Generally, the yellow green line [half yellow and half green] is the ground. If the yellow green line is used, the black one should be the ground wire; red or brown is the live line; yellow or blue is the zero line
Then corresponding to the color and plug on the line!

Two resistors R1 = 10 ohm, R2 = 20 ohm are connected in series. If the power supply voltage is 12V, what is the electric power on R1 and R2


It is in the circuit that electricity is supplied______ In the circuit shown in the figure, a small light bulb is connected with a switch by wires. In order to make the light bulb shine, it must be connected at both ends of "a and B"______ , still need______ .

A complete circuit consists of four parts: power supply, electrical appliances, switch and wire. The circuit without any part is incomplete. The function of each part of the circuit: power supply provides electric energy, electrical appliances consume electric energy, switch controls the current on and off, wire provides the path of transmitting electric energy. A well connected circuit is a path when the switch is closed Power supply; power supply; close switch

Why can the power supply in the circuit provide power for the circuit? Why can it provide continuous current?

There are positive and negative electrodes in the power supply. The potential of the positive electrode is high and that of the negative electrode is low. When the two electrodes are connected with the circuit, a constant potential difference can be maintained between the two ends of the circuit, thus forming a current from the positive electrode to the negative electrode in the external circuit, Similarly, the static electric field generated by electric charge alone can not maintain a steady current, but by DC power supply, the static electric field generated by electric charge alone can not maintain a steady current, Therefore, DC power supply is an energy conversion device, which converts other forms of energy into electric energy supply circuit, To maintain the steady flow of current

Does the power supply provide current? What does the battery discharge? Is it electric energy

Of course, power supply provides current. Current is a form, and electric energy is the general term. Power supply is like a water pump. Current is like the water you need. Voltage is like the water pressure provided by the water pump. Battery discharge is the water produced by the water pump. You can call it electric energy, because electric energy is the general term of electricity. Of course, you can also turn the sparks you see into electric current, It's like water from a pump···

A. the power supply is a device that provides electric energy; B. there is current in the circuit only when the circuit is closed; C. The current flows along the circuit“
4. The wrong statement about the circuit is:
A. Power supply is the device that provides electric energy;
B. Only when the circuit is closed, there is current in the circuit;
C. The current flows along the direction of "positive pole → consumer → negative pole";
D. Electrical appliances are devices that convert other forms of energy into electrical energy

D. Electrical appliances are devices that convert other forms of energy into electrical energy
On the contrary, electrical appliances are devices that convert electrical energy into other forms of energy

The current of a certain electric heater is 1a, and it can work normally for 10 minutes, and the consumed electric energy is 0.2kwh. What is the rated voltage and rated voltage of the electric appliance? If the heat is generated

t=10min=1/6 h I=1A
W = Pt = 0.2kwh rated power P = 1.2kW
P = IU rated voltage U = 1200V

How much energy is consumed when an electrical appliance is powered on for 10 minutes with voltage of 220 V and current of 20 mA at both ends?

The unit of electric energy measurement is "kilowatt hour", that is, the electric energy consumed by an equipment with power of 1 kilowatt working for 1 hour. First, calculate the power of the electric appliance = (220 V / 1000, this step is to convert "V" to "kV") * (20 / 1000, this step is to convert "Ma" to "a") = 0.0044 kilowatt, 10 minutes = 10 / 60 (this step is to convert "Ma" to "a")