What is the total resistance when one 0.1 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with the other 100 ohm resistor

What is the total resistance when one 0.1 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with the other 100 ohm resistor

Total resistance = (1 / 0.1 + 1 / 100) reciprocal = 100 / 1001 = --- calculate by yourself. Divide 100 by 1001

There is a resistor R1 with a resistance value of 100 ohm, and the maximum resistance allowed to pass is 100 mA. If this resistor is connected to a 10 a circuit, it should_______ A resistance value of_________ The resistance of the sensor is high

Used as ammeter
Should__ Parallel connection_____ A resistance value of___ 100 / 99 euro is about 1 euro______ The resistance of the sensor is high

There is a resistor R1 with a resistance value of 100 Ω, and the maximum resistance allowed to pass is 100 mA. If this resistor is connected to a 10 a circuit, what should be done?
Please understand the explanation thank you

A resistor should be connected in parallel, and the current through the resistor R2 is I1 > = (10-01) a
The current on R1 can be less than 100mA
The resistance of R2 is calculated as
9.9r2 = 0.1r1
R2 = 10 / 9.9 = 1.01 Ω

When the voltage at both ends of the appliance increases from 2V to 3V, the current passing through increases by 0.2A. What is the resistance


When the voltage of 6V is applied to both ends of the consumer, the current passing through is 0.2A, and the resistance of the consumer is______ Ω; when 3V voltage is applied to both ends of the same consumer, the current through the circuit is zero______ A. What is the resistance of the appliance______ Ω; if the voltage at both ends of the appliance is zero, the resistance value of the resistor is______ Ω.

The resistance of electric appliance r = UI = 6v0.2a = 30 Ω, when 3V voltage is applied at both ends of the same electric appliance, the resistance is still 30 Ω, the current I '= u'r = 3v30 Ω = 0.1A, when the voltage at both ends of the electric appliance is zero, the resistance is still 30 Ω

What is the meaning of the voltage and power marked on the appliance

The voltage marked on the electrical appliance refers to the calibration of the electrical voltage, which can be used normally within plus or minus 5%. The power refers to the rated power of the electrical appliance, that is, the electricity consumed by the electrical appliance in unit time

The relationship between electric power and current and voltage is p = (). From this relationship, it can be seen that as long as () is used to measure the voltage at both ends of an electrical appliance
The relationship between electric power and current and voltage is p = (). According to this relationship, as long as the voltage at both ends of a consumer is measured by (), and the current through the consumer is measured by (), the actual electric power of the consumer can be calculated

so easy

Excuse me, when the user passes the rated current, is the voltage at both ends of the user the rated voltage?
Now I want to make a current source inverter, that is, the amplitude and frequency of current can be adjusted. I want to adjust the amplitude of current by measuring the voltage at both ends of electrical appliances, so as to achieve the purpose of rated voltage. There is another problem. What is the most suitable resistance and inductance for general electrical appliances (refrigerator, TV, washing machine)? Can you give some suggestions?

The rated voltage is the specified service voltage of the appliance, and the voltage at both ends of the appliance is generally the connected power supply voltage. For example, the rated voltage of Chinese appliance used in the United States is 220 V, and the voltage at both ends of the appliance is 110 V. It is a different concept
The conclusion you said "when the user passes through the rated current, the voltage at both ends of the user is the rated voltage" is also true. At this time, the voltage at both ends of the user is basically close to the rated voltage

How to know the rated voltage and rated electric power of an electrical appliance without knowing its rated voltage and rated electric power

Pro, look at the sign. If there is no sign, we can measure it by experiment. But the result of experiment is not accurate
The rated voltage of household appliances in China is generally 220 v

How many times of the original electric power will it be if the power supply voltage is doubled and the current representation is one half of the original?
There is a sliding rheostat in series in the circuit
There is only one small light bulb and sliding rheostat in series in the circuit. How many times of the original electric power of the small light bulb?

P = 2U * 1 / 2I = UI power unchanged