Ask for small resistance measurement (such as less than 0.1 Ohm)

Ask for small resistance measurement (such as less than 0.1 Ohm)

It's very expensive to use a micro ohmmeter, which is specially used to measure small resistance. Most people can't use it. If you use a better digital multimeter, you can basically read 0.01 ohm

I used to read in the book that the resistance less than 1 ohm should be tested by double arm bridge, but I saw that the accuracy of 200 ohm gear in the manual of the digital multimeter I bought was 0. Does it mean that the digital multimeter can test the resistance less than 1 ohm?

It can measure the resistance less than 1 ohm. There is no problem in general applications. Special circuits may need to be measured by bridge or micro ohmmeter

For large resistance (M ohm or above) resistance measurement specific program?

60 years ago the old theme, high voltage applied, high impedance amplifier sampling
There is no other way
There is no such problem in this year's national competition

In the electric circuit two electrical appliances, the electric power big is the series connection or the parallel connection as the question

It is parallel. Because the electric power is large, under the same voltage of 220 V, the resistance is equal to the square of the voltage divided by the resistance, so the resistance is small; if the series current is constant, the resistance is small, the partial voltage is small, and the power is equal to the product of the square of the current and the resistance, that is, the electric power of the appliance is small, so the electric power must be large in parallel

The voltage of an electric appliance is 220 V and the electric power is 900000. Find its resistance


In the same environment, the electric power of something with 220 V voltage is 1000 W. how much is the electric power when the voltage is 48 V?

If the voltage is reduced, the power will be reduced naturally. If the voltage is DC, the resistance of the object is 48.4 Ω through 220 V and 1000 W. (assuming that the object is a resistance wire for heating, for convenience of calculation). Then when the voltage is reduced to 48 V, the power is 47.52 W

The resistance of an electrical appliance is 800 ohm and the current is 0.2A. What is the power of the electrical appliance?

The formula of electric power is p = UI = I & # 178; r = 0.2A & # 178; × 800 Ω

The current of an electric appliance is 4.5a. What kind of electric appliance is it

Electric hair dryer, electric cooker and other 1kW electrical appliances

Working current 1.5A may be
TV, refrigerator, electric fan, lighting, fluorescent lamp

The working current of electrical appliances is 1.5A, which may be a refrigerator,
The others are about tens of watts to more than 100 watts, and the current is less than 1 A

When an electrical appliance connected to a home circuit works normally with a current of 5A, how long does it use one degree of electricity

I = u / r r = u / I P = UI, so the power of the appliance is p = 220x5 = 1100W, and the power of 1 kilowatt hour is 1000W, so the time t = 1000 / 1100x60 is about 54.5 minutes