The chemical formula of the compound produced by the combination of the most abundant nonmetallic elements and the most abundant metallic elements in the crust is______ .

The chemical formula of the compound produced by the combination of the most abundant nonmetallic elements and the most abundant metallic elements in the crust is______ .

The compound formed by oxygen and aluminum is alumina. In alumina, the valence of aluminum is + 3, and the valence of oxygen is - 2. According to the algebraic sum of the valence of elements in the compound is zero, the chemical formula of alumina can be found to be Al2O3

In the compound composed of a and B, the mass ratio of a to B is 3:1, and the relative atomic weight ratio is 2:1

Let the chemical formula be axby, the relative atomic mass of a is a, and the relative atomic mass of B is B,
The ratio of relative atomic weight is 2:1
The mass ratio of a to B is 3:1

The chemical formula of oxide of nonmetal element a is a2om, and that of nitrate of metal element B is B (NO3) n

In a2om, we know that the valence of a is + M
In B (NO3) n, we know that the valence of B is + n
Because B is a metal, there is no price change
And a is nonmetal, so its negative valence is - (8-m)
So the compound formed by ab is B (8-m) an

The chemical formula of the compound formed by the most metal elements and the most nonmetal elements in the crust is ()
A. Fe2O3B. SiO2C. AlOD. Al2O3

The compound formed by the most abundant metallic element (aluminum) in the crust and the most abundant non-metallic element (oxygen) in the crust is alumina, in which aluminum shows + 3 valence and oxygen shows - 2 valence. Its chemical formula is: Al2O3. Therefore, D