When W G KCI is added into VML water and KCI is completely dissolved, the density of the solution obtained is p. what is the mass concentration of this KCl solution

When W G KCI is added into VML water and KCI is completely dissolved, the density of the solution obtained is p. what is the mass concentration of this KCl solution

V ml the mass of water is v g, so the mass of solution is: (V + W) g. because the density of solution is p, the volume of solution is: (V + W) / P ml = (V + W) / 1000 pl. next, we can find the mass of solute KCI: because the molecular weight of KCI is 39 + 35.5 = 74.5, so the mass of KCI is

After a% NaOH solution evaporates mg of water, it turns into VML, and 2A% NaOH unsaturated solution. After evaporation, the concentration of substance in the solution increases

First, let's set the concentration of the solution before evaporation as X
Then XA% / x-m = 2A% and x = 2m
So the mass of the solution after evaporation is 2m-m = M
So the density of the solution is m / v
According to the density (g / ml) x solution mass (g) X1000 / M (g / mol) = C, the formula is obtained

In VML water, m g of NaCl solid is added. After the solid is completely dissolved, the density of the solution is measured as pg / cm3. The mass concentration of this NaCl solution is calculated

N (NaCl) = m / 58.5 V (solution) = (V + m) / P C (NaCl) = n / v = 1000x [M / 58.5] / [(V + m) / P] = 1000xpm / [(V + m) 58.5] 1L = 1000ml, the concentration unit is: mol / L, not mol / ml

Concentration of chemical substance in the first grade: the solution with volume of VML and density of PG / cm3 contains solute mg with relative molecular weight of M, the concentration of substance is C mol / L, and the mass fraction of solute is w%. Why is this correct? M = VPW / 100 (2-3 full product p11t4)

The mass of the solution is equal to the density times the volume, and the mass of the solute is equal to the mass of the solution times the mass fraction