I only give you a measuring cylinder with an appropriate amount of salt water. It's 80 ml. the mass of salt is 21.2 g and the volume of water is 70 ml. how to calculate the density of salt water

I only give you a measuring cylinder with an appropriate amount of salt water. It's 80 ml. the mass of salt is 21.2 g and the volume of water is 70 ml. how to calculate the density of salt water

Density of brine = mass of brine / volume of brine
The volume of brine is known as m brine = m Salt + m water = 21.2 + 70 = 91.2g
So density = m brine / V brine = 91.2 / 80 = 1.14g/ml

The relationship between the quality of salt in brine and the density of salt, brine and water!
The mass of salt in brine is expressed by T. the density of salt, the density of brine and the density of water are expressed by P salt, P brine and P water respectively. Please list the specific relationship
I'm not sure about the specific answer, but the best is t =
M and V try not to come out,

Answer does not meet the requirements, points recycling

There is a rectangular iron wire frame with an edge length of 8 cm. Change it into a rectangular frame with a width of 10 cm and 5 cm. What is the height of this rectangular frame?

1. There is something wrong with your question. It should be: "cube with 8cm edge length is right."
2. The sum of edge length of cube (also the sum of edge length of cuboid) 8 × 12 = 96 (CM)
3. Height of cuboid: 96 △ 4-10-5 = 9 (CM)

A cuboid is 10 cm long, 8 cm wide and 5 cm high. Cut it into two cuboids. What is the maximum sum of the surface area of the two cuboids?

(10 × 8 + 10 × 5 + 8 × 5) × 2 + 10 × 8 × 2, = 340 + 160, = 500 (square centimeter). A: the maximum sum of the surface areas of these two cuboids is 500 square centimeter