A cylinder, its bottom radius is 3cm, its height is 5cm, what is its surface area? What is its volume?

A cylinder, its bottom radius is 3cm, its height is 5cm, what is its surface area? What is its volume?

Side area = 2 π RH = 3x2x3.14x5 = 92.8 (CM & # 178;) bottom area = 2 π R & # 178; = 3 & # 178; x3.14x2 = 56.52 (CM & # 178;) surface area = 92.8 + 56.52 = 149.32 (CM & # 178;) volume = π R & # 178; H = 3 & # 178; x3.14x5 = 141.3 (CM & # 178;)

There is another question: if the height of the cylinder is 5cm, and the area of the expanded side view of the cylinder is the square of 20 π cm, then the radius of its bottom is cm
Come on, use it now

20pie is the perimeter of the bottom! The radius of the bottom is 2!

If the radius of the bottom of a cylinder is 10cm and the height is 5cm, what is the area of its side unfolded view!

The area of the expanded side view is: two bottom areas + side area
3.14x10x10x2 + 3.14x10x2x5 = 942 (cm2)