How to change resistance, current and voltage in series / parallel circuit? The sliding rheostat changes the resistance in the circuit. How do the current and voltage at both ends of the planting resistor change? How do the total voltage and current change?

How to change resistance, current and voltage in series / parallel circuit? The sliding rheostat changes the resistance in the circuit. How do the current and voltage at both ends of the planting resistor change? How do the total voltage and current change?

Series circuit: premise: sliding rheostat access circuit resistance increases conclusion: voltage at both ends of fixed value resistor decreases, current decreases, total voltage remains unchanged, total current decreases premise: sliding rheostat access circuit resistance decreases conclusion: voltage at both ends of fixed value resistor increases, current increases, total voltage remains unchanged, total current increases, parallel circuit

In parallel circuit, there is a sliding rheostat and a fixed value resistor in parallel. When the sliding rheostat resistance increases, what will the current and voltage of the fixed value resistor be

First of all, I'm sure your question is very simple, but your expression is not perfect
1. We divide the sliding rheostat into three parts, RAB, Rac and RBC (RAB = RAC + RBC). Point C is the moving contact of the sliding rheostat (the one with the arrow). Question: which section of the sliding rheostat do you want this constant resistance in parallel?
2. In your circuit, is the DC voltage directly applied to both ends of the two parallel resistors? If so, no matter how the sliding rheostat slides, the voltage of the constant value resistor will not change (provided that the sliding rheostat can not slide to the extreme, it will be short circuited). Or is there a resistor or an electric lamp in series in front of the two parallel resistors? If so, the answer can be calculated, But the first question should be determined first
3. If you confirm the first two questions, I can give you satisfactory answers, principle and schematic diagram