1. Two resistors with the same organization are connected in series first and then in parallel, respectively in the circuit with the same voltage. What is the ratio of the total power of series and parallel?

1. Two resistors with the same organization are connected in series first and then in parallel, respectively in the circuit with the same voltage. What is the ratio of the total power of series and parallel?

Series: high resistance, low current, low power. Parallel: low resistance, high current, high power. Power ratio 1:4. Series: resistance multiplied by 2, parallel resistance divided by 2, just four times

In the hybrid circuit, how to distinguish the series and parallel resistance
In the mixed circuit diagram

If the components are connected in series, if the components are connected in parallel with the same two points

The 220-100 bulb is connected in series with the resistor R and then connected to the 200V power supply. The power consumed by the resistor R is the actual power of 160W

The bulb resistance of 220-100 is 220 * 220 / 100 = 484 Ω (regardless of temperature change)
Let the current be X
The voltage of the lamp is 484x and the resistance voltage is 160 / X
Then the total voltage is 160 / x + 484x = 200
I don't know how to solve X,
So the actual power of the lamp is 484 times the square of X