A light bulb and a sliding rheostat are connected in parallel in a circuit to increase the resistance of the sliding rheostat. Does the light bulb turn on or dark?

A light bulb and a sliding rheostat are connected in parallel in a circuit to increase the resistance of the sliding rheostat. Does the light bulb turn on or dark?


A constant value resistor is connected in parallel with a bulb. After the constant value resistor is removed, how does the current through the bulb change, how does the brightness of the bulb change, and why?

Because it's parallel
So partial voltage = total voltage
So the voltage doesn't change
Then, the resistance is constant at all times
So the resistance doesn't change
According to the formula: U / r = I
The current does not change
And because the brightness of the light is related to the actual electric power
And electric power = current x voltage (P = IU)
The current and the voltage remain the same
So the bulb doesn't go dark and doesn't go on

How to change the brightness of a light bulb with a resistor?
Excuse me: there are several connection methods. The slide from the left end to the right end is the brightness change of the bulb. How does the length of the resistance wire connected to the circuit change?
We haven't learned Ohm's law yet
I can't understand this part. Please write it in detail,

First of all, the sliding rheostat has four terminals
There are two A's (set to the left) and B's (set to the right) on the top slide
There are two C (left) and D (right) on both ends of the resistance wire below
So there are four different wiring modes: AC, ad, BC and BD
In the process of sliding the slide from left to right, the length of the resistance wire of the two connection modes is increased
③ (4) the length of the resistance wire of the two connection modes is reduced
(1) If the sliding rheostat is connected in series with the bulb in the circuit, then in the process of sliding the slider from left to right, the bulb in two ways changes from light to dark, and the bulb in two ways changes from dark to light
(2) If the sliding rheostat and the bulb are connected in parallel in the circuit, then in the process of sliding the slider from left to right, the bulb in two ways changes from dark to light, and the bulb in two ways changes from light to dark
I think what I said is detailed enough. Do you understand? I don't understand. Hi me, we chat online

Relationship between bulb brightness and resistance
If I want the bulb to light up, should I increase or decrease the resistance

When the voltage is constant, P = I ^ 2 * r, so increase the resistance