The two dry batteries in the flashlight can only emit weak light after a long time. Take out the two dry batteries and measure them with a voltmeter. The voltage at both ends is close to 1.5V. Put them into the electronic clock and they can work normally. This phenomenon is explained by Ohm's law of closed circuit

The two dry batteries in the flashlight can only emit weak light after a long time. Take out the two dry batteries and measure them with a voltmeter. The voltage at both ends is close to 1.5V. Put them into the electronic clock and they can work normally. This phenomenon is explained by Ohm's law of closed circuit

Long used dry battery power is reduced, although the no-load voltage is relatively high, but the internal resistance is very large. When used in a flashlight with large working current, most of the voltage is lost in the internal resistance of the battery: u = I * r, the voltage obtained by the bulb is very small. The normal working current of the electronic clock is very small, the partial voltage effect of the internal resistance of the battery is very low, and the battery voltage is basically lossless, so it can work normally

In the flashlight with metal shell, the dry battery is the core of the flashlight______ The little light bulb is in the circuit______ The button is in the circuit______ The enclosure is a part of the circuit______ .

The dry battery is the power supply of the flashlight, the small bulb is the electrical appliance in the circuit, the button is the switch in the circuit, and the shell is the wire in the circuit

Flashlight. What's the function of the button, what's the dry battery, what's the small light bulb, what's the function of the metal shell and spring, if the flashlight
It doesn't glow. What's the reason

If the flashlight doesn't light up, the reason may be: the battery is dead, the switch is not closed, the bulb is broken, etc