Which factors are related to resistivity? I thought resistivity was only related to temperature and materials But like photoresistors, it seems that resistivity is also related to light, isn't it? Does light affect its resistivity or what?

Which factors are related to resistivity? I thought resistivity was only related to temperature and materials But like photoresistors, it seems that resistivity is also related to light, isn't it? Does light affect its resistivity or what?

Light and temperature are the same, there is a thermistor, naturally there is a photosensitive resistance, thermistor is very sensitive to temperature resistance. Light on the resistance, the resistance will have a temperature change, so the essence of the effect of light on resistivity is that temperature has an effect on resistivity

On the question of resistivity,
The average time interval between two successive collisions of free electrons in a metal material is a, and the number of free electrons per unit volume is n. assuming the electric quantity of electrons is e and the mass is m, the resistivity expression of the conductor is derived

On the problem of resistivity
When the surface temperature of heating part in air is 1100 ℃, the resistivity is 0.0735-0.6852 Ω M / mm2
What is the meaning of resistivity unit Ω M / mm2

The phenomenological formula of resistance: resistance = resistivity * resistance length (that is, the length of current flowing through resistance) / cross-sectional area of resistance
This unit means that the resistance of a resistor with a length of 1 mm per square millimeter is 0.0735-0.6852 Ω. Over