Can 1 W 0.3 ohm wire wound resistance be replaced by copper wire

Can 1 W 0.3 ohm wire wound resistance be replaced by copper wire

Yes, or nickel chromium aluminum wire

Three resistors with the same resistance are connected in parallel. The total resistance is 6 ohm. What is the resistance value of each resistor?
It's a detailed process

Resistance parallel 1 / R + 1 / R + 1 / r = 1 / R ', where R' = 6, so r = 18

Circuit calculation! When an ideal current source is connected in series with a 5 ohm resistor, the resistance current is 2A. When the resistance value is changed to 10 ohm, the resistance current is 2A
What is the resistance current and why?
The correct answer is 2A

2a, because the current of the ideal current source is independent of the load

I use enameled copper wire with wire diameter of 0.07mm. If I want to wind a coil with resistance of 1100 ohm at 20 ° temperature, how many meters should I wind?

The resistivity of copper at 20 ° C is p = 0.017 Ω. Mm ^ 2 / m
The length of copper wire is
L = RS / P = R (d ^ 2) / (4P) = 1100 * (3.14 * 0.07 ^ 2) / (4 * 0.017) = 248.9m