\X0c a single turn rectangular coil ABCD is in a uniform magnetic field. At this time, the magnetic flux passing through the coil is 0.06wb \X0c a single turn rectangular coil ABCD is in a uniform magnetic field. At this time, the magnetic flux passing through the coil is 0.06wb. Now pull the coil out of the magnetic field from the boundary at a constant speed within 0.2S, and the magnetic flux becomes 0. Calculate the induced electromotive force in the coil. Given that the resistance of the coil is 0.2, how much current is in the coil in this process?

\X0c a single turn rectangular coil ABCD is in a uniform magnetic field. At this time, the magnetic flux passing through the coil is 0.06wb \X0c a single turn rectangular coil ABCD is in a uniform magnetic field. At this time, the magnetic flux passing through the coil is 0.06wb. Now pull the coil out of the magnetic field from the boundary at a constant speed within 0.2S, and the magnetic flux becomes 0. Calculate the induced electromotive force in the coil. Given that the resistance of the coil is 0.2, how much current is in the coil in this process?

Induced electromotive force in coil: e = Δ Φ / Δ t = 0.06 / 0.2 = 0.3V
Current in coil: I = E / r = 0.3 / 0.2 = 1.5A

As shown in the figure, a rectangular coil ABCD is put into a uniform magnetic field. If the coil plane is parallel to the magnetic induction line, which of the following movements will produce induced current ()
A. The rectangular coil moves parallel to the magnetic induction line. B. the rectangular coil moves perpendicular to the magnetic induction line. C. the rectangular coil rotates around AB side. D. the rectangular coil rotates around BC side

A. When the coil moves along the direction perpendicular to the magnetic induction line, the magnetic flux of the coil is always zero, unchanged and no induced current is generated

In a uniform magnetic field, the rectangular coil rotates about the axis of symmetry perpendicular to the magnetic induction line
When the rectangular coil rotates about the axis of symmetry perpendicular to the magnetic induction line in a uniform magnetic field, the total number of turns of the coil is 100, and the angular velocity of rotation is π / 3 (rad / s)
(1) When the coil plane is parallel to the magnetic induction line, what is the induced electromotive force?
(2) When the angle between the coil plane and the neutral plane is π / 3, what is the induced electromotive force?

When parallel to the magnetic induction line, the maximum induced electromotive force is NBS ω = n φ ω = 100 * 0.03 * π / 3 = π
When the angle with the neutral plane is π / 3, e = EMSin π / 3 = π sin60