What does Chang'an and creative nature mean?

What does Chang'an and creative nature mean?

"Heaven" refers to nature, "man" refers to the city, "Chang'an" is the old name of Xi'an, which refers to the long-term stability and prosperity of the country. "Creative nature" refers to the use of nature, the restoration of nature and the restoration of nature on the premise of respecting nature and not destroying nature
"Chang'an · creative nature" is the harmonious coexistence of city and nature

What is the meaning of "reshaping life" and how does it express the author's thoughts and feelings?

"Reshape life" literally means "reshape life and regain life". But in this paper, reshape life refers to: (1) "the light of love shines on me". Originally, "I will never have tenderness and sympathy in that quiet and dark world." but in teacher Sullivan's

What do you think of Uncle Dabei's practice of mining gold
One of the most common reasons for failure is that people easily give up when they are overwhelmed by temporary setbacks. Everyone often makes this kind of mistake at a certain time or on a certain occasion
One of Dabei's uncles got "gold disease" during those gold rush days. He wanted to go west to dig for gold and make a fortune. He got a piece of mining land and went to work with a shovel and pick
After a few weeks of hard work, he was rewarded for finding a shiny piece of ore. he needed a machine to dig the ore to the ground. He quietly covered up the gold and went back to his hometown Fort Williams, Maryland to tell his new relatives and a few neighbors about the discovery. They pooled money to buy the machine and ship it to the mine. Dabe and his uncle also returned to work in the mine
The first truckload of ore is mined and transported to a smelter. The information returned proves that they have found the most abundant gold deposit in Colorado. As long as a few more truckloads of ore can pay off the debt, it seems that they can make a lot of money
The more they drill down, the more their hopes grow. However, an accident happened. The vein of the gold mine disappeared. Their hopes disappeared like a rainbow in the sky. The fantasy was extinguished, and the windfall disappeared. They continued to dig and put all their eggs in one basket to find the vein again, but in vain. Finally, they gave up
They sold the machine to a rag collector for only a few hundred dollars, and then went back to their hometown dejectedly. The rag collector invited a mining engineer to visit the mine and made some calculations. The engineer said that the reason for the last failure was that he did not understand the "fault line". The calculation results showed that the vein was three feet away from the place where Dabei stopped drilling, It was there that the gold mine was rediscovered
The rag collector made millions of dollars from the gold mine just because he thought that he should consult experts before giving up

Golden disease: people easily give up when they are overwhelmed by temporary setbacks. Everyone often makes this kind of mistake at a certain time or on a certain occasion
Before giving up, you should consult experts, not give up, or you may lose a good opportunity

In the fable of Fox and cicada, now I know that I'm right about you. What's the meaning?

The fox pours on the leaves, which proves the cicada's view of the fox again: the fox is not a good thing, and it's just rhetoric to eat cicada wings