The main steps of drawing circuit diagram and how to draw resistance

The main steps of drawing circuit diagram and how to draw resistance

If you are using DXP software, the resistance is in the component library. You can directly add the common library file. There are also on the toolbar. You can click and place it in the position you need. As for drawing the circuit diagram, you need to first place the components you need and add the code to each component to avoid mistakes. Then connect the components you need and do the input and output well, And GND point identification should be OK. If you want to generate PCB, you must pay attention to your packaging

In the process of exploring the relationship between current and resistance in a circuit
When the resistance between two points of AB is changed from 5 pairs to 10 ohm, and the current indication is changed from 0.2 a to 0.12 a, which is not half of the original, the current is not inversely proportional to the resistance. The reason for this problem is that

Affected by other electrical components in the circuit, the voltage between ab points also changes