Characteristics of resistance in series circuit and parallel circuit

Characteristics of resistance in series circuit and parallel circuit

Series circuit R = R1 + R2
Parallel circuit 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2

Which is the greater of the total resistance and the series resistance of the parallel circuit?

Because the thicker a resistance is, the smaller its resistance is
Therefore, we can regard the total resistance of parallel circuit as the resistance of each branch
So the resistance of the string is high

The relationship between the total resistance of parallel circuit and the resistance of each consumer

Total resistance = (sum of branch resistances) divided by (product of branch resistances)

In the experiment of constant resistance current and resistance, does not the sliding rheostat change the resistance
Be clear,
Tell me why

What we are exploring is the current and voltage on the resistor, not the current and voltage on the sliding rheostat. If the resistance of the resistor remains unchanged, it doesn't matter if the resistance of the sliding rheostat changes. Its purpose is to change the current and voltage of the resistor