What instrument can measure resistance and resistivity?

What instrument can measure resistance and resistivity?

If the ordinary measurement is not too precise, use a megohmmeter to see the degree of insulation. If it is more precise, use a multimeter to measure the resistance. For the resistivity, you can check the resistance meter of commonly used items and record it directly,

It is necessary to measure the resistivity of silicon wafer with 4-Probe

It is not necessary to use PN junction to measure the resistivity of silicon wafer with 4 probes. Only four probes have good contact with silicon wafer. If the contacts between 1 and 4 probes and silicon wafer are not good enough (forming a junction), the load capacity of current source is enough
(for reference)

What is the effect of Silicon Resistivity

The different resistance of silicon chip indicates the impurity concentration or defect number, or the different temperature and illumination of silicon chip environment. In this way, any device (parameter) made by silicon chip will be affected