Voltage of series parallel circuit In a series or parallel circuit, what is the relationship between the voltage of the power supply and the voltage of the trunk and branch in the circuit? That is, the relationship between the voltage of the power supply and the voltage of the branch and trunk?

Voltage of series parallel circuit In a series or parallel circuit, what is the relationship between the voltage of the power supply and the voltage of the trunk and branch in the circuit? That is, the relationship between the voltage of the power supply and the voltage of the branch and trunk?

In a series circuit, the sum of the voltages of all the consumers in the circuit is equal to the supply voltage, which is commonly known as the partial voltage. The main circuit voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages of all the branches
In parallel circuit, the voltage of each branch of the circuit is equal to the supply voltage, and the voltage of the main circuit is equal to the voltage of each branch

In series circuit, the voltage relationship of each place in parallel circuit

In the series circuit, the voltage of each component is divided, that is, the sum of the voltage of each component is equal to the total voltage (U = U1 + U2 +. UN); the voltage of each component is proportional to its resistance (U / r = U1 / R1 = U2 / r2). In the parallel circuit, the voltage of each component is equal

Junior high school physics -- why is the resistance different with different voltage and current
The same circuit, the same value of resistance, sliding rheostat changes the voltage in the circuit, why the data (volt ampere method) resistance value is very different?

This is normal when the constant resistance is very small or large
It's going to be in high school
Because the voltmeter itself is a very large resistance
When measuring a very small resistance, the voltmeter should be connected in parallel with the resistance and then connected in series with the ammeter
When measuring a particularly large resistance, the ammeter should be connected in series with the resistance and then connected in parallel with the voltmeter