What is the unit of kgf / mm2? How to convert it to MP?

What is the unit of kgf / mm2? How to convert it to MP?

Kgf / mm ^ 2 is the unit of pressure, but it is not the unit of pressure specified in the international system of units. Kgf / mm ^ 2 represents the pressure of 1 kg force per square millimeter, which is about 10 MPa

How to convert kgf / mm2 to MPa?
Please explain in detail. If it is completely correct, it will get 50 points

1kgf/mm2=9.8 MPa

Unit conversion between MPa and N / mm2
That big brother, help me to count it

1MPa = 1N/mm2 = 100N/cm2= 100/9.8 kgf/cm2 = 10.197162kgf/cm2 = 101971.62 kgf/m2
So 195000mpa = 195000n / mm2