A uniform thickness metal wire is stretched to twice the original length and cut into two sections, one of which is resistance A wire of uniform thickness is drawn twice as long as the original wire and cut into two sections from the middle, one of which has a resistance of -

A uniform thickness metal wire is stretched to twice the original length and cut into two sections, one of which is resistance A wire of uniform thickness is drawn twice as long as the original wire and cut into two sections from the middle, one of which has a resistance of -

Twice as much as before
Because the length of the section is not changed, the section area is only half

A resistance wire with uniform thickness is equally divided into two parts. Will its resistance value change
The question is: a resistance wire with uniform thickness has a resistance value of 16 ohm. Divide it into two equal sections. When it is used in parallel, what is the equivalent resistance? What is the equivalent resistance in series?

It is divided into two parts and connected in series. Its resistance is still 16 ohm
If it is divided into two pieces and connected together, its resistance value is 1 / 4 of the original, that is, 16 / 4 = 4 ohm
If only one is used after equal division, its resistance value is 1 / 2 of the original,
16 / 2 = 8 Ω

If a resistance wire with uniform thickness is cut into three equal sections and connected in parallel, the measured resistance is 3 Ω, then the original resistance of the resistance wire is 3 Ω______ .

If the thickness of a wire is uniform and the resistance value is R and the length of the wire is equal, the length of the wire will be changed to 13. If the three sections are used in parallel, the cross-sectional area will be 3 times of the original. According to the resistance law, r = ρ LS, the resistance value will be changed to 19, so: R9 = 3 Ω, the solution is: r = 27 Ω, so the answer is: 27 Ω

A section of wire with uniform thickness has a diameter of D and a resistance of R. if it is drawn into a uniform wire with a diameter of 1 / N, its resistance will be
The fourth power of a n r the third power of B n r the square of C N R D NR

A piece of wire with uniform thickness, diameter D, resistance R, if it is drawn into a uniform wire with diameter of 1 / N, the area becomes 1 / N & sup2; of the original, the volume remains unchanged, and the length becomes n & sup2; times of the original. According to r = ρ L / s, the resistance is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the cross-section product, so its resistance becomes the fourth power R of n