Will the parallel diode or resistance of the relay coil affect the overall resistance?

Will the parallel diode or resistance of the relay coil affect the overall resistance?

The relay coil passes through the direct current, and the parallel diode is the discharge diode of the self induced electromotive force generated by the coil. Its connection method is reverse connection with the direct current power supply and parallel connection on the coil, so it will not affect the resistance of the circuit. The circuit discharging with resistance needs to consider the calculation of the resistance value, because the resistance will affect the relay coil and the overall cathode

What are the functions of parallel resistance and reverse parallel diode at both ends of relay coil? What are the differences

Because the relay coil will generate a strong reverse electromotive force at the moment of power failure, which has an impact on other components, the parallel resistance and reverse parallel diode at both ends of the relay coil are used to consume the reverse electromotive force, which is usually called consuming diode and consuming resistance; the DC relay generally uses diode, and the parallel resistance is relatively rare, I don't know the difference