What is the resistance of a 10 meter long aluminum conductor with a cross-sectional area of 240 square mm? How to calculate it?

What is the resistance of a 10 meter long aluminum conductor with a cross-sectional area of 240 square mm? How to calculate it?

Resistance law: r = PL / s, l = 10m, s = 240 * 10-6, P (resistivity) = 2.83 * 10-8

The resistances of the two wires are 10 Ω and 5 Ω respectively. If they are connected in series to a power supply, the current will be generated through the two wires in the same time
What's the ratio of heat to heat____ ?


The resistance of commonly used wires in laboratory is about 0.02 ohm. This paper tries to explain the reason that "the two poles of power supply are not allowed to be directly connected by knife wire" through calculation

If the power supply is a dry battery, the voltage is 1.5V,
Then the current is I = u / r = 1.5v/0.02 Ω = 75A, the current is very large, and the power supply will be burnt out, so the two poles of the power supply are not allowed to be directly connected with the knife line

Several 10 ohm resistors are used to form a resistance with equivalent resistance of 40 ohm

Using four 1010 ohm resistors in series is equivalent to 40 ohm resistance. The circuit diagram is to string the resistance symbols with wires